As per the principle of gender equality which is enshrined in the Indian Constitution granting equality to women, and empowering the state to adopt measures of positive discrimination in women, the Institute is committed to be sensitive in the issues of gender. The Institute gender policy is framed as a commitment towards this objective in conformity with the Supreme Court guidelines in this matter.
1. The Institute strives to guarantee the rights and safety of all women in the Institute premises including students, faculty, support staff, administration, stake holders and visitors.
2. The gender sensitization initiatives are to be applicable to all sections of the community – students, faculty in all disciplines, support staff and administration and not limited exclusively to students only.
3. The intrinsic ingredients of the Institute gender policy would be equality, dignity and the ability to live, work and study without fear of harassment. It has to be written and approved to guarantee the rights and safety of women employed in the institution.
4. The inequity in the staff pattern in the Institute to be addressed by giving more chance to female employees to get associated with the cause of the organization.
5. The Institute implements effective measures for the safety and security of all gender.
6. An accessible, active and unbiased grievance redressal cell to function in the Institute.
7. The Institute shall provide equal opportunity for all genders without any kind of discrimination.
8. The presence of women in all sections namely faculty, support staff etc. is ensured imparting a feeling of security and confidence in the girls students.
9. Signboards and posters for prevention of eve-teasing are to be fixed at focal locations in the Institute premises.
10. Talks, discussions on gender issues to be regularly organized and a certified consultant to be also invited for counseling and guidance in gender issues.
11. The various Institute bodies such as IQAC, anti-ragging cell, discipline committee and grievance redressal cell to work in syncretic manner for gender issues by creating social awareness about gender discrimination.

Gender Audit Report From 2018-23