Placement Policies
General Guidelines
• The Placement Committee of Abhinav Education Society’s Institute of Management & Research is responsible for operationalizing the Placement Process.
1) The role of T&P (Training & Placement) Cell is a facilitator for placement related activities. T&P gives assurance of the job.
2) The Placement facility is available to all the students registered with T&P Cell through the policy ONE JOB TO ONE STUDENT AT THE FIRST INSTANCE. This will ensure that every student will get equal job opportunities and only few students do not consume up all the jobs.
3) Any student against whom show cause notice/warning letter have been issued will not be allowed to appear in campus Recruitment. The students are required to submit a certificate showing their academic performance as well as satisfactory conduct in the institute signed by all concerned department faculties to the faculty In-Charge Training & Placement for further consideration.
4) Any negative remark in this regard made by any faculty against any student will make him/her ineligible for the entire campus placement process. Besides, Any student against whom more than one warning letter is issued will not be allowed to appear in campus interview.
5) If a student is placed in any, then the placement is over for him/her.
6) All students must keep their identity card with them at the time of PPT/Written Test/GD/PI and produce the same when demanded by the visiting team or T&P Cell Staff.
• All participating students are required to be present at the Institute on all days of placement- related activities in formal attire. For male& female students, this means blazers/suits/shirt & tie.
• It is the student’s responsibility to follow all deadlines arising from the placement processes. For this purpose, the student must regularly check the emails, messages, or notices from the online portal and comply with the required actions within the indicated timelines. Non-adherence to the timelines may lead to the denial of subsequent process outcomes such as interviews, etc.
• Students are required to keep track of the communications regarding the companies with job opportunities. If a student eligible as per the Job Description chooses not to apply for three (3) consecutive eligible job postings, then it may validly imply that the student is not interested in
pursuing the placement assistance process. In such cases, the student will be denied further placement assistance.
• For securing a job, a maximum of five (5) attempts of selection rounds will be allowed. If a student fails to obtain a confirmed job offer after appearing for the selection interview of five (5) organizations, then he/she will automatically opt out of the placement assistance from the Institute.
• All job offers will be made via the Placement Office. No direct offers to students will be permitted.
• The Institute follows a one student, one job offer policy. So, it becomes mandatory for the student to accept the first job offer. Upon receiving the first job offer, the student will be automatically considered placed and removed from the list of students awaiting job offers.
• Students are expected to behave professionally with all employees of the company. Any misconduct, misbehavior, non-maintenance of decorum would be dealt with seriously and could lead to disqualification from all placement-related assistance from the Institute.
The Institute would facilitate the final placement of its students undergoing UG/PG Programs
based on fulfilling the below-mentioned criteria:
• Successfully completed the semester examinations/course with a CGPA equivalent to 6 or higher, and with no backlogs.
• Satisfactory conduct with no disciplinary action throughout the program.
• All the requisite fees have been paid to the Institute.
• Good attendance record in their courses and active participation in Placement Activities (Guest Lectures/Seminars/Conferences/Industry Visits, etc).
Placement Process
• Recruiting companies will inform the Institute about their requirements, role descriptions, eligibility norms, and the remuneration packages being offered.
• These details will be shared with students through the Placement Committee. Students will be able to decide about participating in the company’s recruitment process depending upon their interest, suitability, specializations, and career interests.
• Resumes of interested and/or suitable students will be sent to the recruiting organization, based on which the company will notify a shortlist of students.
• Shortlisted students will be informed about the selection process, which may include one or more of the following: Personal or online assessment, Telephonic interview, Case Discussion, Group Discussion, Multiple rounds of Interviews. These may be conducted on the Institute campus or at other premises chosen by the company.
• Students may be required to go to the company’s office or other pool campus locations for final placements as decided by the company.
• After the Pre-Placement talk for Final Placement, student/s can withdraw his/her candidature. Once the company’s placement process commences, students will not be allowed to withdraw. Any withdrawal will result in debarring the student from the placement assistance process.
• It shall be mandatory for shortlisted students to appear for the interview. Absence from the interview would result in debarring such student(s) from the placement assistance process.
• In the event of students appearing for multiple recruiting companies’ selection process for final placement, it would be mandatory for the student(s) to accept the first offer and join that company.
• If a student gets a pre-placement offer (PPO) from an organization, he/she will be considered as campus placed and will not be eligible for further placement assistance from the Institute. Early Joining
• Companies may indicate early joining in their offer letters. Such cases will be reported to the placement office, HOD, and Director.
• If a student is allowed to join early, then he/she would have to give an undertaking whereby he/she would diligently undertake the assignments given to him/her and report to the concerned faculty member on the mutually agreed days. Failure in submitting the assignments and meeting
faculty members on the assigned day(s) may result in withholding of the degree. The student must manage the leave of absence from the company to write their final examinations and complete other academic requirements on time.
The Placement Committee reserves the right to change/modify any or all of the above- mentioned rules/regulations and procedures whenever it is deemed necessary to do so.