Best Practices I

Title of the Practice:

Financial Aid to the deserving students & mentoring system.

Objectives of the Practice

  • To financially support   all   the   deserving   poor   students   without   any discrimination of caste, creed or gender.
  • To promote ‘equality’ among the students.
  • To minimize dropouts, improve performance and reduce stress of the students through personal counseling.

The Context

After comprehensive deliberations with students and teachers, it was decided to extend the benefit to all the needy students, who do not have the advantage of government or endowment scholarships, without any discrimination of caste, creed or gender.

Students undergo various problems of stress- personal, academic, physical, mental. Students are new to professional college life. It creates a lot of stress, especially to hostel students who are away from family for the first time. Students from educationally weak backgrounds feel complex and hesitations in class and unable to perform well due to inhibitions. Statistics reveal a decreasing number of dropouts. ‘Mentor’ who can form a bond with students in the true sense. Mentoring is required for students to achieve emotional stability and to promote clarity in thinking and decision making for overall progress.

Innovation and Best Practices

This illustrious institution, true to its legacy of pro-needy-student attitude since its inception, has taken a firm resolve to extend all possible financial support to the deserving students and help them to realize their fond dream of acquiring higher education.

Faculty promotes scholarship schemes & informs about documents required for the scholarships. Institute provides infrastructure & guidance for filling application forms.

Each teacher is assigned around 15 students for the complete duration of their study. They meet at least once a month to discuss, clarify and share various problems which may be personal or academic, etc. The mentors encourage the students to participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities and sports.

Evidence of Success

  • During the last 5 years we received around 75% student scholarship.
  • Mentoring practice includes better results in the examinations, improved attendance, less drop outs, increased participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities, better discipline on campus and respectful relationship between teachers and students. The students are more relaxed and have a healthy relationship with the staff.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required:

1. This practice requires fulfillment of documents required for certain scholarship , student attendance & Adhar seeding bank account in the name of beneficiary.

2. This practice requires committed teaching staff who have the sire to help students beyond teaching hours. There are no limitations or constraints faced during implementing the program.

Best Practices II

2.Title of the Best Practice 

Teaching Learning Process using ICT & Value-added Courses with industry institute interaction program.

Objectives of the Practice

  • To encourage teachers to adapt to advanced pedagogical methods including ICT adoption in classroom teaching.
  • To Improved teaching learning efficiency, Reduce the burden on teachers, Simplified information sharing, Increased student motivation, Improve IT literacy of students.
  • To provide students an understanding of the expectations of industry and improve employability skills of students.
  • To bridge the skill gaps and make students industry ready.


The Context

AESIMR has been a pioneer in adopting and using modern educational technologies to enrich the teaching-learning process. Use of information and communication technology (ICT) has played a pivotal role in empowering the teacher trainees in the use of modern-day information tools.

Every year around  10 to 12 certificate courses were introduced with industry -academia collaboration. Also students and faculty members registered on MOOC platforms like Swayam, NPTL, Infosys Springboard, EXCEL RI, Harvard Business School online courses, Coursera and other online courses.

Innovation and Best Practices

All the classrooms are ICT ready and all the departments adapted their classroom teaching with the help of ICT. We purchase Smart boards for effective & efficient delivery of sessions.

It provides support by integrating and utilizing latest technological innovations such as Google Classrooms, technology enabled classrooms, laptops, tablets and smart phones for enhancing and enriching the teaching- learning process. During the Covid-19 lockdown, the AESIMR shifted to online teaching-learning using Google Meet, Zoom, Google Classroom & Digicom ERP platforms. The students also take the benefit of the YouTube channel of the Institute where teachers upload their digitally recorded lectures &  Guest sessions.

AESIMR has always strived to offer the best education to its students. It has lived up to the expectation of the society and this has been possible only through a conscious effort at promoting innovation in the development of curriculum, teaching-learning methods, value-added education, skill development programs, collaborations with the industry, international collaboration, community outreach and the holistic development of students. Innovation at AESIMR is a result of a comprehensive feedback system which includes feedback from students, staff, parents, industry representatives.

Evidence of Success

  • All teachers have adopted modern pedagogic styles and ICT in their classes. Appropriately paced and timely completion of syllabus. Increased attendance in the classes.
  • It has improved the quality of delivery of the lecture. Students understood better than traditional teaching.
  • 100% of students successfully completed value added certificate courses.
  • In the last 5 years we have conducted around 60 value added certificate courses.


Problems encountered and Resources required.

This practice requires a monitoring system which can show the progress and gaps at each point of time. The institute ERP is serving the purpose but it needs upgrades as the time changes.

Staff members & students need to take extra efforts & devote themselves towards interdisciplinary skills and knowledge. It also supported major minor specialization concepts & knowledge.
