ExtendedID | DeviationsofExtendedQuestion | FindingsofDVV | ResponseofHEI * |
6.2.2 | Institution implements e-governance in itsoperations
1. Administration 2. Finance andAccounts 3. StudentAdmissionandSupport 4. Examination |
1. HEI needs to verify &check all the uploadeddocuments and provide allthe necessary supportingdocuments/functionallinkforverificationasperNAACSOP. | |
HEIInput: A.Alloftheabove |
2. Kindly note that Linkprovidedfortheprescribedsupporting documents isnot opening. please relookand provide correct validLink. | ||
3. Kindly provide ERPDocument and Screenshots of user interfaces ofeach modulereflectingthenameof theHEI. | Point 3 | ||
4. Kindly provideInstitutional expenditurestatementsfor theheadsofe- governanceimplementation reflectedintheAuditedstatement. | Point4 | ||
5.KindlyprovideBills forthe expenditure onimplementation of e-governance in the areas ofoperation. | Point5 | ||
6. Kindly provide Annuale-governance reportapproved by GoverningCouncil. | Point6 | ||
7.KindlyprovidePolicydocumentone-governance. | Point7 |